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HomeNewsRSE wage threshold to increase from 1 April 2024

RSE wage threshold to increase from 1 April 2024

The New Zealand minimum wage will increase on 1 April 2024. This means that the wage threshold for all Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) workers will also increase to align with the new minimum wage.

RSE workers must be paid at the New Zealand minimum wage plus 10 percent. This means that from 1 April 2024 employers in this sector must pay workers NZD$25.47 per hour to ensure that RSE remuneration continues to increase in line with the minimum wage.

Currently, RSE workers are required to be paid a minimum of NZD$24.97 per hour for actual hours worked.

Employers who fail to update wages in line with the new minimum hourly wage would breach their Agreement to Recruit (ATR) commitments.

If a worker transfers from one RSE employer to another, the new employment agreement must also comply with minimum pay.

-Minimum requirements for RSE worker employment agreements