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HomeNewsImmigration fees increase

Immigration fees increase

Immigration fees and levies will be raised on Monday, 5 November 2018. Work visas will go 54% up and immigration levies (a part of residence fees) will be increased by 43%.

Summary of changes

Visa type Change
Work visas (excluding Recognised Seasonal

Employers and Working Holiday work visas)

+ 54 per cent
Student visas – 6.5 per cent
Group visitor visas – 45 per cent
Business/skilled visas – 1 per cent
Other visas + 10 per cent
Immigration levies + 43 per cent


Specific charges that will apply are detailed in our schedule of fees and levies.

Schedule of new fees and leviesPDF 47KB

Fee regulations

Levy regulations

What happens if my application is received by INZ before 5 November, but not processed until after?

The fee and levy you pay is based on when INZ receives your application.

If you are applying online, the fee charged is the fee that is in force at the time you reach the online payment screen. For example, if you start your application on 4 November, but don’t complete it until after midnight New Zealand time, then the new fee and levy will apply.