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HomeNewsNo Transiting New Zealand to China

No Transiting New Zealand to China

From 7 November, you can no longer transit New Zealand to China. The Chinese Government has introduced new health testing requirements for COVID-19. There are currently no testing facilities in the transit area of New Zealand airports.

If you have already been granted a transit visa you will no longer be able to use this. If you are eligible to transit New Zealand on an NZeTA you will not be able to do so. If you attempt to transit you will not be able to board the flight.

INZ are no longer accepting any further transit visa applications for transit to China. If you submit a transit visa application, it is likely to be declined.

Transit travellers cannot enter New Zealand to undertake any testing requirements for COVID-19.

New Zealand cannot consider any special request or exemptions. Please refer to the Chinese embassy for any requests or further information.

COVID-19 tests for China-bound flights | China Embassy in New Zealand
关于新西兰赴华航班新冠病毒核酸检测要求的通知 | 中华人民共和国驻新西兰(库克群岛、纽埃)大使馆

Transit through New Zealand

If you pass through New Zealand on your way to another country and do not plan to stay you are a transit passenger.

As a transit passenger you can only travel through Auckland International Airport where you must stay in the transit area of the airport or on board your craft. Normally you must spend less than 24 hours in transit in New Zealand, but this may change at short notice due to COVID-19 Alert Levels.